There are a number of ways that you can get in contact with the society:
You can speak to any one of our dedicated ensemble managers in person by coming along to their respective rehearsals. Details of the rehearsal times and locations can be found on our ensemble pages:
The quickest way to get a response from us if you cannot come and speak to us in person is by emailing us at
You can also contact one of our ensemble managers directly:
If you are in no rush and fancy having a good scrawl, or indeed feel that what you wish to say is conveyed best in the form of written word, then our address is as follows:
Edinburgh University Music Society
The University of Edinburgh
Alison House
12 Nicolson Square
Though it is not possible to provide a universal society phone number, by contacting EUMS as detailed above, an appropriate phone number for one of our committee members can be administered on a need-to-know basis.
EUMS retains a large quantity of music which is available for hire. For further details, please contact our President at or see our music library page.
The Edinburgh University Music Society takes reasonable steps to ensure that data transmitted electronically to the Edinburgh University Music Society via the site or otherwise and stored by the Edinburgh University Music Society is not accessed by unauthorised third parties in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Edinburgh University Music Society
The University of Edinburgh
Alison House
12 Nicolson Square