


The Edinburgh University Music Society has a membership running well into the 300s, and thanks to commitment being fuelled by a desire to be involved and a passion for music rather than a mandatory requirement to attend, the quality of our performances is very high.

Our concerts often sell-out, and thanks to our dedicated members are always a great success.


The society consists of three ensembles. The largest ensemble is Chorus, conducted by Neil Metcalfe. It is a chorus consisting of between 150 and 200 people and is non-auditioned. Find out more about Chorus here.

Sinfonia, an orchestra conducted by Michael Devlin, consists of auditioned players apart from the string section which is non-auditioning. They rehearse at the Reid Hall on a Saturday morning. Find out more about Sinfonia here.

The Symphony Orchestra, a large auditioning orchestra of a very high standard, conducted by Russell Cowieson, rehearse on a Monday evening in the Reid Hall. Find out more about the Symphony Orchestra here.


The society is a great way to meet all sorts of people. No matter what your musical background, there is always a place for you within one of the ensembles, allowing you to broaden your musical horizons as well as having a great time along the way.

Whether you are an undergraduate, postgraduate or just someone who has heard about what we do, all you have to do is come along and speak to one of our dedicated committee members.

The society also gets involved with the community, and plays an active role in bringing music to the schools in and around Edinburgh. In recent years interaction between the society and the community has increased a great deal, and there are several annual events that take place involving local primary and secondary schools and a number of our members, guiding them to create music and learn new skills whilst also, of course, having fun.

The Edinburgh University Music Society strives to bring out the best in everyone through the collision of talent and character, and in doing so present the ability of the University to perform excellent music with versatility and brilliance.