The society is a large one, with over three hundred members, and so tour provides the perfect surroundings for everyone to get to know each other that bit better. New friendships are forged and old ones strengthened, and for those who haven’t toured with an orchestra before, it is certainly an experience not to miss, with the society performing high quality music to a varied audience in new and interesting venues.
We have travelled across Europe, to places as far away as Galway in Ireland and Bergen in Norway, and to many of the places between. We also tour across the UK, having recently toured to the Scottish Highlands and to Northern England. Wherever we go, it can be assured that a great time will be had by all.
Tour generally takes the form of a number of performances in a few major venues in the region we have travelled to, and alternates every year between a British and International location. We tend to stay in local youth hostels, and owing to the fact that the tour is organised by our members rather than a body of well-financed elders, it tends to offer excellent value for money.
Tour is the perfect way to get to know the society, and indeed for the society’s members to get to know one another. During the day when we aren’t rehearsing we have plenty of time to have a mosey about and soak in some of the “daytime” culture. Museums, cafés, shopping, parks and extended games of frisbee all feature prominently. Following our concert, we enjoy an evening together sampling the delights of the local watering holes, and quite often end up dancing the night away in the local discotheque.
The fun starts well before we get on the bus too. “Pretour” as it has come to be known involves rehearsals and a social or two, usually in the form of karaoke or a ceilidh, allowing the louder folks in the society to succeed in making fools of themselves and also to let the quieter members put the rest of us to shame with their sing-along prowess.
Tour succeeds every year in bringing together a large number of like-minded people and letting them make great music and have a terrific time in doing so. If you want to find out more about our upcoming tour or about tours in general please don’t hesitate to contact our Tour Manager at
Edinburgh University Music Society
The University of Edinburgh
Alison House
12 Nicolson Square